
The Last Philippines National Statistic Authority data indicates that the population reached (approximately 101.6) million people (not officially announced), but at the last count conducted by the Philippine government in the first of May 2010, it had reached (92,337,852) people, who are in continuous increase in a rate of 1.98%, according to Statistics. Population consists of different races, but mostly element is Malawian, that immigrated to the islands thousands of years ago from Malaysia and Indonesia. In modern times, the Chinese, Spaniards and the Americans came to the country and mated with Filipinos, creating a mixture of blood, Malaysian and Spanish element in particular, called ( mestizo). There is also a small group of humans called (Negros) living in remote areas, in the mountains and forests, they have been found in these islands before any other groups, and there also Albaruan, who are influenced by Indian civilization.