General Information

  • The Philippines is an archipelago consisting of 7,107 total area of ​​the island territory, including inland water bodies at approximately 300,000 km2 (116,000 square miles). It has 36 289-km-long coastline (22,549 miles), putting it in fifth place globally, bounded by the Philippine Sea to the east, and the South China Sea to the west, and the Celebes Sea to the south. The island of Borneo is located a few hundred kilometers to the southwest, while Taiwan is located directly to the north. Moluccas and Sulawesi are located to the south and southwest and Palau to the east. Most of the mountainous islands are covered by tropical rainforest, which is volcanic in origin, the highest of them is mountain (Apo), which reaches a height of about 2954 meters (9692 feet) above sea level, located in the island of Mindanao. The Longest River is the Cagayan River in northern Luzon. Manila Bay is connected to Blajona de Bay, the largest lake in the Philippines, through Pasig River. One of the important bays is Subic Bay, the Gulf of Davao and Moro Bay, among others. San Joaniko Strait separates the islands of Samar and Leyte, but Joaniko Bridge passes between the islands.

  • Location: Philippine Islands geographically Located between 4.23 to 21.25 latitude north (approx.) and the longitudinal line 112-127 to the east (approx.), located in Southeast Asia and to the west the Pacific Ocean, bordered to the north with Japan and Taiwan across the Luzon Strait and Vietnam to the west across the South China Sea, and the island of Borneo and Indonesia to the south-west, and Australia to the east.
    Topographically, the Philippine is divided into three basic groups of islands namely: Luzon - Visayas - and Mindanao. There are other major islands such as Palawan, Panay and Mindoro. Philippines include 7107 island in its geographic composition.

  • Capital City: Manila.

  • General information about the City of Manila: Manila is the political, historical and cultural city of the Philippines, and this city of  million population is repleted with tens of churches, museums and archaeological palaces. It has taken its name from the Arabic word "Amanullah", where safe and stability ere spreaded out until the arrival of Spanish colonialism. The effects of colonialism strongly appeared in an old district named "Antramoros", where one can tour on a motorcycle to watch the effects of sabotage and demolition suffered by the neighborhood over the successive wars, while the church of "San Augustine" stood tall during the intractable wars and earthquakes that came out, and with a ticket of 100 pesos (less than $ 2) you can roam the oldest church in the Philippines, which includes a small museum, as well as sculptures and brilliant graphics, making it a haven of tranquility in the midst of Manila cumbersome, and do not forget your share of shopping in the huge "Robinsons Place" mall that runs on five floors with hundreds of shops and restaurants that offer everything goodies, and tourists can spend an entire day in this small air-conditioned, comfortable and entertaining town mall-like.

  • Currency: Peso (USD 1 is Equivalent to 48 Pesos, (October 2016l rate).

  • Language: (Tagalug) which is a local language used by most population. English language is also used as a second language and considered a teaching language in educational institutions, and also used in government communications.

  • Religions: Christianity is the dominant religion and embraced by the majority of the Filipino people, but there are other religions, according to the following percentages of distribution:

    • Catholic: 80.9%
    • Islam: 5%
    • Protestant: 2.8%
    • Church of Christ (Iglesia ni Kristo): 2.3%
    • Agleval followers: 2%
    • Other non- classified religions: 5.7%